- With external LED -Dual Size full angle LED
- Advanced 32 bit ARM CortexM4 high performance processer, can operate NuttX RTOX real time operation system
- 14 PWM/ Servo Output
- Bus interface(UART,I2C,SPI,CAN)
- Intergrated back up power and lose efficacy controller, main controller lose efficacy can safely alter to back up control
- Providing automatic and manual mode
- Providing redundant power supply input and fail over
- Multicolor LED light
- Providing multi sound buzzer interface
- Micro SD records flying data
Product Details
- 32 bit 2M flash memory STM32F427 Cortex M4, with hardware floating point processing unit
- Main frequency: 168MHZ,256K RAM
- 32 bit STM32F103 back up processor
- L3GD20 3 axis digital 16 bit gyroscope
- LSM303D 3 axis 14 acceleration/magnetometer
- MPU6000 6 axis acceleration/magnetometer
- MS5611 high precision barometer
- 5 UART, one compatible high voltage, two have hardware flow control
- Two CAN
- Spektrum DSM/ DSM2/ DSM-X satellite receiver compatible input
- Futaba SBUS compatible input and output
- PPM signal input
- RSSI(PWM or voltage) output
- I2C
- 3.3 and 6.6VADC input
- External MICRO USB interface